Welcome to this public consultation website as prepared on behalf of Gallagher Developments and Barratt David Wilson, outlining their exciting proposals for three sustainable developments east of Wootton.

Your views and comments are welcomed to help us gain a further understanding of the Site and evolve our proposals as part of a forthcoming planning application for this Site.


We are collecting ideas and feedback to help inform the emerging masterplan for these three sites . We’re also keen to share our vision for the wider Wootton Valley, for which these sites form the potential beginnings.
Alongside this public consultation , Gallagher Developments & Barratt David Wilson are engaging with the Local Authority and have begun discussions with Key Stakeholders, including the Local Highways and Education Authorities, to help refine and inform the emerging proposals.

Wootton Valley Site Plan
Location Map

Emerging Vision

The sites present an opportunity to help drive forward the wider Wootton Valley development as its potential first phases. In the future, these parcels could mark the beginning of the sustainable urban extension to Wootton which would see the provision of circa 1,500 homes, a primary school, community hub, mobility hub and potential secondary school.

Wootton Valley Site Plan
Site Map
Our Sites
Wootton Valley Site Plan
Our Sites at Wootton

Understanding Wootton Valley

There are no designated heritage assets on or within 1km of the site.


The sites present good opportunities for habitat creation and enhancement with options being explored for biodiversity net gain. The planning application submissions will be accompanied by both a biodiversity net gain (BNG) report and ecological surveys to ensure any protected habitats are not lost as a result of the proposed development. There are no statutory ecological or landscape designations located within, or adjacent to the three sites.

Ground Conditions

A preliminary risk assessment has been completed by Waterman Infrastructure and Environment Ltd (July 2023) for all three sites. Given the agricultural nature of the sites, limited potential sources of on-site contamination have been identified. Whilst several off-site sources have been identified, the level identified is not beyond that which can be effectively mitigated through design.

Flood Risk and Drainage

A flood risk assessment has been completed for all three sites. Consultations have also been undertaken with the Environment Agency and the Lead Local Flood Authority. The sites are mostly located in Flood Zone 1 and therefore are at a low risk of fluvial flooding. Whilst the sites have a low risk of surface water flooding, some small areas within the sites are a higher risk and this will be mitigated against where necessary.

Planning for the Future
  • Approximately 1,500 new high-quality homes with a policy compliant level of affordable housing.
  • A centralised multifunctional landscape belt will provide a focal area for various types of amenity uses, floodplain control, ecological and biodiversity enhancement, and habitat creation.
  • A community hub which will be designed as a central heart of the community and include mixed use areas with a primary school, shops, communal square and community facilities.
  • There is the potential to deliver a secondary school to the south of the Wootton Brook.
  • The site will be interlaced with additional landscape corridors, providing further ecological sanctuaries, recreation as well as facilitating strategic pedestrian and cycle routes to surrounding neighbourhoods, community facilities, country parks and countryside.
  • The eastern edge of the site will have a lower density of built form and green corridor supporting a filtering of landscape.
  • The wider proposals will deliver a new primary link road from Newport Pagnell Road to the Wootton Road/Quinton Road.
  • Amenities and services ready for the zero carbon future including provisions for electric vehicle charging points and electric property heating through air source heat pumps.
  • New play areas will be delivered and the existing PRoWs will be enhanced to improve pedestrian and cycle connectivity into Wootton.


Our approach for the three sites is to consider their surroundings and the accompanying Illustrative Masterplans will show a landscape-led, comprehensive, and integrated strategy which forms separate developments knitted together by the existing and future green corridors. Whilst masterplanning work is still ongoing, design themes are emerging for the individual parcels.

Land at Newport Pagnell Road

Utilise the shape of the site to create a primary tree-lined spine road, maximising retention of hedgerows and trees. Drainage pond features and wildflower meadows at the southern extent of the site will create a green buffer for both wildlife and residents to benefit from, Public Rights of Ways will be retained and supported by a network of cycling and walking routes through the sites and public green spaces. The scheme seeks to retain and improve the key areas of existing vegetation and compensate for loss of areas assessed as less important in landscape, ecological and arboricultural terms. The proposed development will be visible from the north along Newport Pagnell Road and from the west from the new residential developments adjacent to the boundary. Additionally, the proposed development will be visible from the existing footpaths in close proximity to the site.

Land North of Caroline Chisholm School

Utilise the shape of the site to create a primary tree-lined spine road, maximising retention of hedgerows and trees. Drainage pond features and wildflower meadows at the southern extent of the site will create a green buffer for both wildlife and residents to benefit from, Public Rights of Ways will be retained and supported by a network of cycling and walking routes through the sites and public green spaces. The scheme seeks to retain and improve the key areas of existing vegetation and compensate for loss of areas assessed as less important in landscape, ecological and arboricultural terms. The proposed development will be visible from the north along Newport Pagnell Road and from the west from the new residential developments adjacent to the boundary. Additionally, the proposed development will be visible from the existing footpaths in close proximity to the site.

Land at Wooldale Road and Quinton Road

The site’s frontage along Quinton Road presents an opportunity for homes to form a gateway into the site. Buildings would be pronounced through height, external material choice and architectural detailing. The site is currently occupied by agricultural buildings and informal access, the proposed development would be visible from the junction of Wooldale Road and Quinton Road in an area that offers little in intrinsic landscape value.

Connection and Sustainability

Detailed early engagement with West Northamptonshire Highways has been undertaken and this has shaped our proposals for the safest and most suitable arrangement for efficient and deliverable site access.

Wootton Valley Site Plan
Walking Distance

The highways impact of the three sites will be considered in detail within the separate Transport Assessments. The initial modelling is being carried out by the Council and their consultants and then more detailed junction modelling is being carried out by Eddisons which will be included within the Transport Assessment to see if any mitigation works are required. The masterplan outlines the proposed access arrangements for the three sites; these range from a standard priority-controlled T-junction at Quinton Road, an additional roundabout arm at the existing Caroline Chisholm School site access and a new roundabout on Newport Pagnell Road. A Transport Strategy Appraisal was completed for the wider Wootton Valley site. The appraisal found that:

  • The traffic likely to be generated by the proposals will be dispersed across the local highway network in a number of different directions

  • The proposals will be accommodated at all key junctions on the local highway network with the implementation of some potential off site mitigation

  • There are therefore no particular issues of traffic impact that would prejudice the Wootton proposals from being consented.

We are preparing a sustainability statement for each site, outlining the measures taken to ensure carbon reduction, community energy and sustainable design. All homes on these three development parcels will be compliant with the latest Part L & F Building Regs and achieve an 80% reduction in carbon in line with the upcoming Future Homes Standards. Our proposals will demonstrate that dwellings meet the Building Regulation optional higher water efficiency standard of 110 litres per person per day, as set out in Building Regulations Part G2. Water reuse and recycling and rainwater harvesting, and other suitable measures will be incorporated wherever feasible to reduce demand on mains water supply. Electric Vehicle charging points will be provided and movement and connectivity enhanced via the creation of new walking and cycling routes .

Next Steps

Gallagher Developments is a master developer who have a proven track record dating back over 50 years of both obtaining deliverable planning consents and also delivering infrastructure on sites. Barratt David Wilson Homes is one of the UK’s leading housebuilders with consistently high national scoring for sustainability and healthy living credentials. Gallagher Developments’ role as a master developer promotes early delivery and combined with working alongside Barratt David Wilson Homes will result in excellent delivery rates at a high standard and with a commitment to sustainability. Gallagher Developments and Barratt David Wilson Homes are excited to work in partnership with residents, neighbouring developments, adjacent landowners, West Northamptonshire Council and other key stakeholders in their objective to realise the delivery of sustainable development, creating a place where people enjoy living and working.

Over the summer of 2023 we have been engaging with Ward Members and Parish Councils in the area. Whilst we have not yet amended our proposals to take account of their ideas and comments, as we will do this comprehensively following the public engagement, we have had the following feedback:

  • Highways in the local area are a big issue for residents. This has informed our approach to transport modelling across the three sites.

  • Sports provision in the local area is insufficient and residents would welcome the provision of new or improved facilities

  • There is a high demand for allotment provision in the local area.

  • There may be opportunities to work with the Caroline Chisholm school to improve pedestrian safety and the pick-up/drop-off experience for parents.

We are continuing to work hard behind the scenes to prepare an extensive library of technical reports to accompany our vision for the three sites. These reports include:

Wootton Valley Site Plan
Next Steps

Thanks for all of your feedback, we will take your suggestions into account as we finalise our proposals.

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